Education Provider Program
FCSI prides itself on providing high-quality, relevant education to our consultant members. Programs that have been approved as part of the Education Provider Program have been awarded a pre-determined number of Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Consultant members who attend any of these featured programs will be credited with the allotted CEUs.
See details below for how to utilize this program as a consultant member. Corporate members are eligible to provide continuing education to the consultant members through the program. Learn how below.
Consultant Members are required to earn a certain number of continuing education credits (CEUs) each year in order to maintain membership:
- Professional Member – 12 CEUs
- Senior Associate Member – 6 CEUs
- Associate Member – 3 CEUs
(members earning more than the required number of credits during the year may roll forward a set number of CEUs to the next year – Professionals 6, Senior Associates 3, Associates 1)
The Education Provider Program is an easy and efficient way to meet the annual CEU requirements. All programs have been preapproved by FCSI’s Professional Development Coordinator so Consultants know all programs contain valuable and relevant content.
Education Providers can offer programs in any of the following formats: Set Date events, Flexible Date events, Your Place events, Factory tours and seminars, and webinars.
To see the full list of Education Provider Programs, simply access the calendar of events and/or listing of programs available on-demand to view the wide variety of programs available throughout the year. Once you complete a program, the Education Provider will submit confirmation of your attendance to FCSI Headquarters, and your credits will be automatically applied to your CEU journal.
All corporate members of FCSI The Americas are eligible to provide continuing education to FCSI Consultant Members through the Education Provider Program. Offering education programs to Consultants is easy and helps you inform, educate, and support the consultants who are specifying products and equipment in their projects every day.
Setting up a program is easy! Submit an Education Provider Program Application for each program along with details about the program (i.e. agenda, learning objectives, who will benefit, and speaker details). Typically, 1 hour of general education (not brand or product specific) equals 1 CEU. Please allow two weeks for your program to be reviewed/approved.
Once your program is approved, it can be offered multiple times throughout the year without having to resubmit the application.
Upon completion of a program, you must submit the Attendance Report to Headquarters so credits can be applied to each attendee’s CEU journal.
Need more information? Check out the FCSI TA Education Provider Manual or contact Penny.
Education Provider of the Year > Corporate Members providing programs as part of the Education Provider Program are considered for the FCSI The Americas Education Provider of the Year award which is presented during the Division’s Biennial Conference.
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