Utility Refrigerator – Government Mandates Impacting Refrigeration – (1 CEU) ON DEMAND

In this session, attendees will learn the latest updates on government mandated impacting the refrigeration industry. Attendees will gain a deep understanding of refrigerants, environmental codes, energy efficiency, pending legislation and trends. To schedule this On Demand session please contact: Melissa Lasdon - [email protected] - 818-764-6200

Utility Refrigerators – Fundamentals of Refrigeration (1 CEU) ON DEMAND

In this session, attendees will learn about the fundamentals of refrigeration including what it takes to keep food fresh and cool and why your equipment is critical to food longevity. Get to know the components of a refrigeration system, understand how the components operate to maximize efficiency and performance.   To schedule this On Demand session please contact: Melissa Lasdon - [email protected] - 818-764-6200

Crafting Profitable Bars: 2024 Drink Menu Trends and Impact on Design & Equipment Selection (1 CEU)

Uncover the secret to greater profits in your bar – where innovation pours as much profit as creativity. Are your bar designs aligned with the dynamic landscape of today's drink menu trends? Perlick’s webinar will explore the ever-evolving world of bar menus – from cocktails to wines, beers, and non-alcoholic drinks. Dive into the latest trends shaping the drink space and discover how these trends, alongside labor considerations, significantly influence efficient bar design and equipment selection. Crafting an ergonomic, well-organized, bartender-centric design isn't just an aesthetic choice; it's critical for the financial success of restaurants and bars across all categories. This webinar will spotlight critical factors in designing a bar that empowers even novice bar staff to thrive, delivering unparalleled hospitality and exceptional, contemporary drink service. Corrinne Walenda, Perlick’s brand ambassador, will navigate the landscape of drink trends, and illustrate how to design labor-saving bar layouts and choose the right equipment packages that resonate with today's and tomorrow's bartenders. Duration: 60 minutes Live with Q&A Please use the link below to join the meeting