(Access On Demand) Vulcan – Heavy Duty Range Design/Applications (1.0 CEU)

  Vulcan Wolf Online Learning This online learning platform hosts on-demand course for you to increase your knowledge of commercial kitchen equipment and provides resources to assist in your understanding of Vulcan and Wolf Products. Enroll in FCSI Heavy Duty Range Course Please contact Dan Montgomery - dan.montgomery@vulcanequipment.com or Alex Piñero - Alex.Pinero@vulcanequipment.com

Event Series On Demand Content

Scotsman Ice Systems: Ice 101 & Industry Cross Reference Tool [1+ CEU]

Flexible Dates and Locations - contact Scotsman to schedule By attending this program, consultants will have a better understanding of 1) Where to use different types of ice: 2) General knowledge on how ice machines work; 3) Things to consider when deciding on an ice machine; 4) How to cross reference the industry's ice machines;   1)     General Ice Machine Refrigeration Operation Basics 2)     General Ice Machine Sizing Guide: How much ice do I need? 3)     General Ice Machine Application Guide – Air Cooled, Water Cooled, Remotes, Etc… 4)     General Ice Forms – Uses and Applications  Contact Vince Dattolo to schedule: vince.dattolo@scotsman-ice.com or 224.360.9621

BLEND : Served By Middleby MAINS (4 CEUs)

Middleby New York Residential Showroom 150 E. 58th St. Suite 1062, New York, NY, United States

Middleby New York Residential Showroom 150 E. 58th St. Suite 1062, New York, NY 10155 Program Agenda 12:00 PM – Attendees Arrive 12:00 -12:45 PM – Lunch/Heavy Apps/Grazing & Tour of the Showroom 12:45 – 1:30 PM – Establishing your Parameters 1:30 – 2:15 PM – Love your Coffee Design A Latte 2:15-2:30 – Break 2:30-3:15 PM- Iced Coffee, Cold Brew & Nitro Notes 3:15-4:00 PM – The Espresso Martini & Unconventional Spaces 4:00-5:00 PM – Optional Cocktail Hour Total Educational Program Length: 5 hours Program Outline – Establishing your Parameters (45 mins) o Coffee origins, coffee flavor wheel, roasting techniques, how to identify quality o Local roasters tasting experience o Identifying extraction variables to reach the golden cup standard Love your Coffee Design a Latte (45 mins) o Small scaled beverage center implementation to large scaled beverage operation o What you’ll need from small to large o Operational flow and design considerations to optimize a design and reduce staffing Iced Coffee, Cold Brew & Nitro Notes (45 minutes) o Why cold beverages and cold coffee are year-round and not seasonally fluid o The benefits and client success of implementing cold brew and nitro brews                                                       o Various beverages that can […]

Utility Refrigerator – Government Mandates Impacting Refrigeration – (1 CEU) ON DEMAND

In this session, attendees will learn the latest updates on government mandated impacting the refrigeration industry. Attendees will gain a deep understanding of refrigerants, environmental codes, energy efficiency, pending legislation and trends. To schedule this On Demand session please contact: Melissa Lasdon - mlasdon@utilityrefrigerator.com - 818-764-6200

Utility Refrigerators – Fundamentals of Refrigeration (1 CEU) ON DEMAND

In this session, attendees will learn about the fundamentals of refrigeration including what it takes to keep food fresh and cool and why your equipment is critical to food longevity. Get to know the components of a refrigeration system, understand how the components operate to maximize efficiency and performance.   To schedule this On Demand session please contact: Melissa Lasdon - mlasdon@utilityrefrigerator.com - 818-764-6200

Wood Stone – Open Flame and Solid Fuel Cookery and Venting/ Innovations in Stone Hearth Cooking – 5.5 CEUs

Wood Stone 1801 Bakerview Rd, Bellingham, WA, United States

Agenda: May 8th-           Reception- meet and greet- arrival. May 9th  7:30                   Arrival/ Breakfast at factory 8:30-9:30       Factory tour 9:30-9:45         Break 9:45-11:15       Open Flame Cooking and Heat Management (90 Minutes) Education Portion 11:15-11:30     Break 11:30-1              Lunch and Learn-   Open Flame and Solid Fuel Venting and Safety (90 minutes) Education Portion 1-1:15                Break 1:15-2:45        Innovations in Stone Hearth Cooking and Heat on Demand 3-5                     Q&A- Product walkthrough 5:00                  Dismissed- Dinner

Eagle Group – Custom Fabrication – Making it Happen (5 CEUs)

Eagle Group 100 Industrial Blvd., Clayton, DE, United States

The consultants who attend will be able to grasp how fabrication techniques have advanced through the years, this includes the use of both lasers and robotics in manufacturing. They will understand what materials make up stainless steel, what NSF considers food grade materials. How the engineering process works and how it ties to the manufacturing process by computer.

Wood Stone – Open Flame and solid fuel cookery and venting – (4 CEUs)

Wood Stone 1801 Bakerview Rd, Bellingham, WA, United States

Wood Stone/ FCSI Education Program Agenda Presenter: Chef Anthony Mukerjee/ Wood Stone Corporate Chef Topic: Open flame/ solid fuel cookery and venting Agenda: May 8th- Reception- meet and greet- arrival. May 9th 8am:                 Breakfast at factory 9-10:                 Factory tour 10-10:15         Break 10:15:              Open Flame Cooking and Heat Management (90 Minutes) Education Portion 11:45:              Lunch 1:00:                Open Flame and Solid Fuel Venting and Safety (90 minutes) Education Portion 3:00                 Wood Stone Demo 5:00                  Dismissed- Dinner  

Frontier Energy – Creating an Effective, Code-Compliant, Commercial Kitchen Ventilation (CKV) System in Vented and Ventless Applications – (1.5 CEUs)

Frontier Energy 1075 Serpentine Lane, Suite B, Pleasanton, CA, United States

The purpose of an exhaust hood in your kitchen is to capture all the heat, smoke, and grease generated by the cooking equipment. If it fails to do its job, the grease and other particles will spill out making the kitchen less comfortable for your staff. And in many cases, undesirable odors and excess heat will make their way into the dining room and tax your HVAC system. New green building and heat illness regulations have introduced challenges to designers, environmental health specialists, and operators, who want to create effective and safe kitchen ventilation systems while remaining true to building and fire codes. Only well-designed and optimized exhaust systems will meet all standards. Learn how to optimize your kitchen exhaust system - whether vented or ventless, know when and how to use ventless exhaust, understand how kitchen electrification will affect hood requirements, and design systems that meet the energy and CalOSHA codes and standards. Learning Objectives: Research findings on indoor air quality in kitchens and dish rooms. See how space design and troubleshooting differ for various hoods, including with typical exhaust hoods, recirculating hoods and unhooded equipment. Understand upcoming revisions to Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations and […]

Building Management Systems for Modern HVAC – (1 CEU)

Building Management Systems for Modern HVAC - PDH Course Description: Modern buildings are complex; there are lighting systems, HVAC, pumps, security systems, utilities, and more. More often than not, it makes sense to connect all this equipment to a centralized controller or Building Management System (BMS) in order to properly monitor and control it all. In this video we explore how a custom BMS can extract the most performance out of a sophisticated piece of equipment like Paragon HVAC. We apply various use cases including troubleshooting, comfort, and efficiency examples, with a look towards the future and the use of AI. Prerequisite Knowledge: None Learning Objective 1: Understand what a Building Management System is and its basic uses. Learning Objective 2: Compare and contrast traditional HVAC troubleshooting with the proactive approach Building Management Systems can provide. Learning Objective 3: Understand how Building Management Systems can be used by engineers to improve the efficiency of HVAC equipment. Learning Objective 4: Understand how HVAC equipment can be improved using large pools of data gathered by Building Management Systems.

Norbec – How To Specify a Custom Walk-In Cooler – (1 CEU)

Course Description​: Walk-in coolers and freezers are not just for restaurants. They’re found in schools, hospitals, food-processing plants, and laboratories. Sometimes a stocked, prefabricated walk-in will suffice, but most coolers and freezers require a custom solution.​ This course will walk you through the specification considerations for a custom walk-in including size, temperature, refrigeration, energy efficiency, floors, doors, and more. You’ll see how each area relates to one another in supporting an energy-conscious and durable walk-in assembly.​   Learning Objectives​: At the end of this course, participants will be able to: ​ Review all components of a walk-in cooler/freezer assembly and how an energy-efficient refrigeration system works.​ Identify all the considerations when determining the size of a walk-in cooler including the products to be stored, shelves and carts, ventilation, and future needs.​ Determine a walk-in’s temperature based on type of products, humidity, usage, and more.​ Acknowledge the importance of the cooler’s insulated panels’ R-value, efficient refrigeration, and controls/monitors to meet or exceed energy-administration requirements. ​ Explain how walk-in panels contribute to LEED v4.​ Address the importance of specifying the right door, floor, finishes, and other considerations   Contact Marilou Leclaire for more info - mleclaire@norbec.com