Provided by California Energy Wise (CEW), PG&E, Frontier Energy - Food Tech Service Center
1.5 CEU available
This class covers two different commercial kitchen challenges: high heat environments and the many kitchen water wasters that can be readily fixed. The first half explains the newly adopted CalOSHA Indoor Heat Illness regulations. These regulations are meant to protect kitchen workers but, they also apply to equipment service professionals who might be working in those kitchens. Learn the details of these new regulations, how to help operators lower kitchen temperatures, and how to come into compliance with these laws. Likewise, new California laws require that all water utilities follow strict conservation guidelines in both dry and wet years - which could impact water costs. This class will provide training on how to spot and mitigate common water-wasting leaks and wasteful operating practices in kitchens and dishrooms.
Participants will be able to:
Richard Young, Director of Education, Frontier Energy’s, Food Service Tech Center
To register, contact Kiana Caban, [email protected] or 925.866.2844
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