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Fan Performance Curves- A Deep Dive (On-Demand)

January 1 @ 8:00 am - January 31 @ 5:00 pm

Fan Performance Curves - A Deep Dive – 1 Hour Credit

Course Description:
Let’s build a fan curve! We’ll start by collecting data on a real fan, and then use the fan laws to extrapolate all the require data. Then we’ll use the curves to size up fans and motors, and along the way we’ll look into eEiciency’s, safety margins, density, and even system eEect. We condensed a wealth of knowledge into 1 video that connects all the dots.

Prerequisite Knowledge:

Presenter Information
Bill Griffin, President of Engineering and Manufacturing - CaptiveAire Systems, Inc.
Bill Griffin is the President of Engineering and Manufacturing with CaptiveAire Systems, the nation’s leading manufacturer of commercial kitchen ventilation systems. He began working in the HVAC industry at CaptiveAire in 1999, immediately after graduating from the University of Maryland with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Bill began as a draftsman with CaptiveAire and advanced within the company to overseeing all of manufacturing and engineering. For over 20 years, his career has focused on the design, development,
manufacturing and improvement of products. Bill is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Pennsylvania and holds 7 patents for products in the kitchen ventilation and HVAC industry.

German Tabor, Filmmaker - CaptiveAire Systems, Inc.
With a decade of experience in film and video production, and a technical background in Aviation Maintenance encompassing hydraulic, pneumatic, climate control and electrical systems troubleshooting, German Tabor is uniquely positioned to create effective and compelling engineering fundamentals videos. All of German's videos are thoroughly reviewed by CaptiveAire engineers to ensure accuracy and the correct application of theories and calculations.

Learning Objective 1:

Understand how a fan performance curve is built, from data acquisition to extrapolation and visualization.
Learning Objective 2:
Understand how to use fan performance curves to correctly size fans and motors.
Learning Objective 3:
Understand Fan Energy Index and the major factors aEecting eEiciency.
Learning Objective 4:
Understand external variables such as density and system eEect and how to account for them.

For Online Access, Contact Mary Atwood - [email protected]


January 1 @ 8:00 am
January 31 @ 5:00 pm
Event Category:


Mary Atwood